The value of Mahi Tahi hui
Everyone working in an equity focused not for profit organisation knows the drill. Your work is your life, you believe in it so much, you are fully committed to it. It is not a get rich scheme. It is a purpose that drives you – and usually on the smell of an oily rag.
Because there is always so much to do – and right now - to help bring about positive change, somehow you feel like you are personally responsible for it. Not a moment can be wasted.
Sometimes it feels as if the systems you grapple with are impenetrable. Some days your energy wanes. But you think about all the people you are there for. The rangatahi. The whānau. The reason you are here is to help them flourish. So, you keep going.
The whānau wins inspire. The Māori dentist, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, health workers, teachers, and everyone studying and working hard to transform health and education in Aotearoa.
So, you keep going and try new things. Eventually you have a lot going on! You get caught up in all the doing. It is not often you get to stop to think more deeply.
Now and then an opportunity comes along that interrupts you. One that generously offers you a hand while quietly asking you questions. What are you doing? How is it going? What are you learning? How might we support you? What might we do better together?
Soon those questions become a ray of light and hope in your mahi. They invite you to stop, to reflect, to share, to tell your story. They connect you to diverse, wonderful people and organisations you feel honoured to work with – people with big hearts, sharp minds, and passion for change.
This is our real-life experience of working with the Peter McKenzie Project (PMP); a collective of initiatives tackling the root causes of child and whānau poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. We are honoured to be amongst the project Ngā Kaikōkiri along with Tokona Te Raki, The Southern Initiative/ Uptempo, The Workshop, Action Station, Te Ohu Whakawhanaunga, Community Housing Aotearoa, Muaūpoko Tribal Authority and FinCap.
In February 2021 we gathered for ‘Mahi Tahi’. Together as one roopu we shared insights and collectively dreamed how we could strengthen this mahi and our impact. It was a special two-days.
Thank you to the Peter McKenzie Project and the JR McKenzie Trust Staff and Trustees. We feel very grateful to be learning together in this way.
Article by Tanya Anaha, Whyora